
For millennia, we have been circling with each other to celebrate joy, support milestones, and connect around major life events like birth, coming of age, menarche, graduation, marriage, motherhood, friendships and anniversaries -- and also to mourn together in times of sorrow, sickness and loss. Circling together is a sacred tradition that I am honored to offer on my land or for public or private celebrations.

From sisterhood to motherhood to menarche circles, I come prepared with supplies for sacred ritual, art, release, manifestation and honoring ceremonies. We all need deep connection with each other and the earth - a sacred circle is a wonderful way to celebrate or mourn with your closest friends and family or with your wider community.

Check back here for Moon Circles, Sisterhood Circles, Pregnancy Circles and more. Or, reach out directly if you want to work together on a private event.

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