Mama Moon Apothecary

Welcome to my small-batch, handmade herbal apothecary—a place where nature's healing wonders come to life. Each herbal remedy I create is carefully crafted with love and a deep respect for the Earth's gifts. From soothing salves to aromatic tinctures, these products are born from a passion for holistic wellness and centuries-old herbal traditions. I grow most of the ingredients in my own garden, and the rest are mindfully wildcrafted from plants in the PNW region or purchased from the most sustainable, ethical sources - ensuring the highest quality, ethics and vibration for each product.



At Mama Moon Gardens I grow organic herbs and flowers and transform them into teas, tinctures, salts, steams, creams, candles and more. As a traditional herbalist, gardener, and wild-crafter, I am dedicated to cultivating a deep connection with nature and the healing power of plants.

Using traditional methods, I create herbal remedies that harness the full spectrum of the plants' healing potential. I carefully tend to each plant and harvest them at the peak of their potency in alignment with the moon cycles. Whether you're seeking relief from stress, digestive issues, or simply want to boost your immune system, I have a blend to suit your needs.

My journey with herbalism began about 13 years ago when I was struggling with infertility and looking for natural remedies to support my body on my pregnancy journey. Since then, I have amassed a wealth of knowledge from books and the practical experience of making herbal remedies for myself and my medically fragile children. To round out my credentialing, I am currently studying through the Herbal Academy in their Intermediate Herbalism course. 

All of my products are made with organic, locally grown or foraged, or ethically sourced ingredients, and are free from artificial additives, preservatives, and synthetic chemicals. By choosing my teas and tinctures, you're not only taking care of your health, but also supporting a sustainable, eco-friendly, black woman owned business. 

I invite you to join me on a journey towards wellness and vitality.